ASURA Leadership
Association year 2001-2002
President - Mat Betz
Past President - Don Dotts
Vice President - Quentin Bogart
Secretary - Ellie Branstetter
Treasurer - Peggy Randolph
Gale Richards was ASURA's first secretary. He served as Legislative Liaison and Retirement Systems Liaison for almost a decade. He also served a year as chair of the Education committee.
Board of Directors
Alan Johnson
Aletha Ashley
Charles Woolf
Don Dotts
Don Robinson
Ellamae Branstetter
Jerry Poe
June Payne
Leon Shell
Martha Merkle
Mat Betz
Peggy Randolph
Quentin Bogart
Robert Frazier
Vivienne Gardner
William Baxter
Ex-officio Board members
Academic Senate - Morton Munk
Classified Staff Council - John Leard
Human Resources - Christine Cervantes
Public Affairs - Nancy Jordan
Sr. VP/Provost - Carole Johnson
Committee chairs
Activities Committee - Joe Schabacker,
Don Robinson, Betty Wood
Adopt - A - Family - Jeri Goldfader & Sheila Milhollon
Education - Joe Wilkinson
Emeritus College Liaison - Lou Weschler
Insurance - ADOA - Dick Murra
Insurance - ASRS - Denis Kigin
Legislative Liaison - Alan Johnson & Bob Mings
Membership - George Morrell
Newsletter - Carolyn Brown &
Rochelle (Rocky) Mackey
Retirement System Liaison - Gale Richards
Scholarship - Sue Blumer
Technology & Web Site - Bob Beeman
University Club Liaison - Dennis Kigin
Video History Project - June Payne
Volunteers - Vivienne Gardner
Office volunteers
Corinne Irvan - Business Manager
Corinne Irvan - Office Manager