ASURA Leadership

Association year 1999-2000


President - Zeke Prust

Past President - Hal White

Vice President - Don Dotts

Secretary - Peggy Randolph

Treasurer - Joe Milner

Joe Miller


Joe Milner served in a variety of capacities for ASURA, including treasurer.

Board of Directors

Bonnie Peplow

Bruce Mason

Don Dotts

Don Robinson

Gayle Shuman

Gordon Inskeep

Joe Milner

June Payne

Kelly Stadmiller

Marvin Fisher

Mat Betz

Peggy Randolph

Ruth Wineberg

Sam Hunter

Zeke Prust

Ex-officio Board members

Academic Senate - David Burstein

Academic VP - Carole Johnson

Classified Staff Council - John Leard

Human Resources - Christine Cervantes

Institutional Advancement - vacant 

Committee chairs

Activities Committee - Denis Kigin

Adopt - A - Family - Jeri Goldfader

Education - Diana Regner

Insurance  -  ADOA - Dick Murra

Insurance  -  ASRS - Martha Waltemath

Legislative Liaison - Bob Beeman

Membership - George Morrell

Newsletter - Carolyn Brown

Retirement System Liaison - Gale Richards

Scholarship - Mat Betz

University Club Liaison - George Morrell

University Relations - Frank Hidalgo 

Video History Project - Dean Smith

Volunteers - Madelyn Wright


Office volunteers

Corinne Irvan - Business Manager

Corinne Irvan - Office Manager