ASURA Leadership

Association year 1996-1997


President - Don Gieschen

Past President - Diana Regner

Vice President - Madelyn Wright

Secretary - Sue Blumer

Treasurer - Hal White


Maxine LaRoux


Maxine LaRoux served as the first Adopt-a-Family chair, as ASURA Board Member and Secretary and as an office volunteer.

Board of Directors

Alfred Thomas Jr.

Bob Ellis

Dick Murra

Don Gieschen

Dorothy Alexander

Glenn Overman

Hal White

Jo Ann Hennington

Joel Benedict

Leon Kemper

Madelyn Wright

Martha Waltemath

Nick Salerno

Sue Blumer

Sue Shafer

Ex-officio Board members

Academic VP - Carole Johnson

Classified Staff Council - Reba Wilson

Human Resources - Robert Frazier

Institutional Advancement - Allan Price

University Senate - Tom Callarman


Committee chairs

Activities Committee  - Leon Kemper

Adopt-A-Family  - Maxine LaRoux

Education  - Ruth Wineberg

Health Insurance  - Dick Murra

Legislative Liaison  - Joe Milner

Membership  - George Morrell

Newsletter  - Carolyn Brown

Retirement System Liaison -

      Gale Richards & Bob Ellis

Scholarship  - Guido Weigend

University Club Liaison  - George Morrell

University Relations  - Frank Hidalgo

Volunteers  - Jo Ann Hennington

Office volunteers

Corinne Irvan - Business Manager

Corinne Irvan - Office Coordinator