ASURA Leadership
Association year 1993-1994
President - Anne Pittman
Past President - Denis Kigin
Vice President - Dean Smith
Secretary - Bob Beeman
Treasurer - Madelyn Wright

June Payne, who edited the newsletter for several years, and also served as first chair of the Video History Project.
Board of Directors
Anne Pittman
Bernard L. Jackson
Bob Beeman
Carolyn Brown
Dean Smith
Denis Kigin
Diana Regner
Guido Weigend
Henry C. Reeves
Hildegard S. Crane
Madelyn Wright
Marilyn Wahl
Mat Betz
Patricia L. Kelley
Wilfred (Bill) Ferrell
Willard Pedrick
Ex-officio Board members
no record
Committee chairs
AZ Council of Retired Univ. Employees
Gale Richards
Education - Don Gieschen
Health Insurance - Dick Murra
Legislative Liaison - Bruce Mason
Membership - George Morrell
Newsletter - June Payne
Retirement System Liaison - Bob Ellis
University Club - Gordon Inskeep
University Liaison - Dean Smith
Office volunteers
Corinne Ivran - Business Manager
Corinne Ivran - Office Manager