ASURA Leadership

Association year 1992-1993


President - Denis Kigin

Past President - Bob Ellis

Vice President - Dean Smith

Secretary - Marilyn Wahl

Treasurer - Madelyn Wright

Dean Smith


Dean Smith, Vice President and one of the people active in the founding of ASURA.

Board of Directors

Anne Pittman

Bruce Mason

Dean Smith

Denis Kigin

Ed Hickcox

Madelyn Wright

Marilyn Wahl

Willard Abraham

Willard Pedrick

Ex-officio Board members

Academic Senate - Alan Matheson

Academic VP - Alleen Nilsen

Classified Staff Council - Fred Amaro

Human Resources - Raul Armendariz

University Relations - Brent Brown

Committee chairs

AZ Council of Retired Univ. Employees -

    Bob Ellis, Bruce Mason, Anne Pittman,

    Willard Pedrick

Education - Gale Richards

Legislative Liaison - Bruce Mason,

    Gale Richards, Alan Matheson

Membership - George Morrell

Newsletter - June Payne

Retirement System Liaison - Bob Ellis,

    Dick Murra, George Morrell 

University Club - Gordon Inskeep

University Liaison - Dean Smith, Bob Beeman

Office volunteers

Corinne Irvan - Business Manager

Corinne Irvan - Office Manager