ASU remembers


Judy Schaefer

ASU Foundation's Women in Philanthropy

ASU President's Club



Judy Schaefer


September 26, 2015

Judy Schaefer, 75, passed away on September 26, 2015. Judy attended ASU. At ASU she was a founding member of Wings of Gold and the ASU Foundation's Women in Philanthropy program, and also a strong supporter of the Adopt-A-Devil program and The ASU President's Club. Judy and her husband Bill have held season tickets for ASU sporting events for 55 consecutive seasons and are the benefactors of the Judy and Bill Schaefer Sports Hall of Fame located on the University's Tempe campus. Preceded in death by a son, she is survived by her husband Bill, a son, six grandchildren and a brother. A Celebration of Love and Friendship honoring Judy's life will be held on Sunday, October 25 from 3:00 until 5:00 at Paradise Valley Country Club. The remembrance she would have appreciated the most is support given to the Arizona Humane Society in her honor, 1521 W. Dobbins Road, Phoenix, AZ 85041 or online: gifts. (Source: Arizona Republic)