ASU remembers


John Lathrop Schlacter

Marketing Department - 1969-2003



Photo of backlit cactus


October 12, 2024

Dr. John Lathrop Schlacter started his academic journey at Case Western Reserve Academy in Hudson Ohio and went to do his undergraduate work at University of North Carolina in Chappel Hill, where he played varsity tennis and soccer.  

He transferred to The Ohio State University to continue his graduate education.   He graduated from Ohio State with his PHD in 1969.

Dr. Schlacter started ASU the same year.  He flew out of Columbus Ohio in a blizzard for his interview at ASU and landed in 70-degree sunny skies; He said “Golf and tennis year round” and never left.  He was an honored and published academician his entire tenure with the marketing department at ASU.  He bled maroon and gold, “Fear The Fork.”

He is survived by his wife, Paula Schlacter and his eldest son, John Schlacter.