ASURA Volunteer


Joan Leard

Ex-officio board member 1999-2004

Board member 2005-2008

Adopt-A-Family chair 2006-2019

Office staff 2008-2019



Joan Leard


Spring 2009

I arrived in Arizona with my family from Massachusetts in 1978. I had just received my BSBA in Accounting from Clark University in Worcester in June, 1978.  I worked for two insurance companies until I accepted the position of Business Manager for the Memorial Union at ASU in October, 1990. I immediately liked my work and especially enjoyed being on campus.  I remained with the MU until I retired in May, 2004 to accept a part time position as Assistant Director of Jazz in Arizona, a non-profit organization that supports the art of Live Jazz and cultivates an interest in jazz through youth education, scholarship opportunities and community outreach.

I started attending ASURA meetings as the representative from the Classified Staff Council.  When I retired it seemed natural to keep on attending meetings.  When I was asked if I would chair the Adopt-A-Family program I willingly agreed.  It has been a pleasure to serve in this capacity.