ASU remembers


Jessica M. Walsh

Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera Program through NASA 



Jessica M. Walsh  was a graduate of Fishers High School, Ball State University with her Bachelor's degree, in Meteorology with a minor in Astro Physics and she worked for the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera Program through NASA at Arizona State University.  

She was part of the PHD program in the department of Astronomy and Planetary Science through Northern Arizona University. Jessie was carrying on lunar mountain research from her previous job that carried over to her PHD.  She was wrapping up a paper on her lunar work and findings.  

Jessie was going to transition to Martian research when completing her lunar work.   She was in the middle of getting Martian meteorite samples.   Jessica was working on the vision project (visible and infrared observation system).  Her name is on a plaque regarding this project and going to Mars in future Martian missions.

She is survived by her brother, aunts uncles and extended family. 


July 18, 2023