ASURA Volunteer


Jerry Aronson

Legislative liaison 2003-2013

Board member 2004-2007



Jerry Aronson


May 2009

Jerry Aronson received his PhD in Botany in 1958 from UC Berkeley. He came to ASU in 1966 as an Associate Professor and retired in 1997 as Professor of Plant Biology. He joined ASURA at the time of his retirement. He is a charter member of the University Club. During his tenure as a faculty member he taught courses in introductory Plant Biology and Plant Physiology. At various times his research was federally funded by NIH, NSF and USDA. He was twice Acting Chair of the Department of Plant Biology and served on numerous departmental, college and university committees.

Jerry served on the ASURA Board from 2004 to 2007 and has chaired the Government Liaison Council (GLC) since 2004. He is the Designated Lobbyist for the Association. In addition to monitoring activity in the State Legislature, as GLC Chair he oversees local arrangements for the annual meeting of the legislative councils of the three university retiree associations (ASURA, NAURA and UARA).

Jerry spends his leisure time gardening, attending Sun Devil football games and traveling both in the U.S. and abroad. He has established an endowment with the ASU Foundation that makes an annual scholarship award, in memory of his late wife Danielle, to an outstanding undergraduate woman studying Plant Biology.