ASURA Volunteer
Jeannette Robson
Office staff 2009-2024
Prime Times 2010-2024
Board member 2011-2014, 2015-2017

Spring 2011
I have always enjoyed working at ASU -- first in the office of University Continuing Education from 1978-1983; then in the College of Engineering, Dean's Office from 1983-1988; and finally, in Information Technology from 1988-2002.
My husband had been in professional baseball since 1967 and one day in late 2001 asked me to retire from ASU and join him in his baseball travels. I had a great retirement send-off in March 2002, then moved to New York City one month later. After New York, our baseball travels took us to Japan where we lived for three years before returning to Arizona in November 2006.
It was in 1995 that Carolyn Brown phoned me one day and encouraged me to join the ASURA --even though I was a fulltime employee in Information Technology. During all those years I had been an "on again-off again member" but decided to become more active once we returned from Japan and settled down in Sun Lakes. I volunteer as staff in the ASURA office on Wednesday mornings and also, along with Wilma Mathews, publish the ASURA Prime Times.