ASU remembers
Jacqueline J. Taylor
Professor in Nursing
July 4, 2010
Jacqueline J. Taylor, 79, passed away on July 4, 2010. She is survived by two brothers, friend Ruth Ludemann, plus nephews and nieces. Jackie was an R.N. who graduated with a BSN from the University of Washington School of Nursing, earned a Master's Degree in Psychiatric Nursing from the University of North Carolina, and then a PhD in Cultural Anthropology from the University of Arizona. She began her academic career at Wayne State University and then moved to ASU in 1967 where she was instrumental in developing the graduate Psychiatric-Mental Health nursing program. Professor Taylor moved to Montana State University in 1976 where she pioneered a new satellite nursing program in Missoula. She returned to ASU in 1984, and continued teaching in the graduate Psychiatric Nursing program until her retirement in 1996.