If your spouse dies

When your spouse dies you have tasks beyond arranging for the funeral and obituary and notifying relatives. Some of these should be taken care of as soon as possible.


Getting through the loss of a spouse is hard, but you can get through it (and hopefully financially intact). Even if you weren’t the spouse who paid the bills or handled savings, there’s no reason you can’t become that person now. The best thing you can do now is stay organized. Put one foot in front of the other.

As much as possible, take your time when making financial decisions after you lose a loved one. Before you make any decision, reflect on it and talk with your advisors, whether professionals or trusted people in your inner circle. Seek out other resources, too, so that you can gather as much knowledge as you can and move into the next phase of your life with a solid financial action plan. Most of all, take each day as it comes while you adjust to a new way of life.

On this page

Email - How to handle email accounts -- close or forward?

Notify - A list of people and institutions you will need to notify.

Cancel - A list of things that you will need to cancel or modify.

Legal - A few of the legal and financial issues that need to be addressed.