Email usage
If you and/or your executor wish, you can continue using your spouse's email accounts with banks, companies, etc..
If it is more convenient, you can change the email associated with these accounts to your own.
ASU email address
If your spouse had an email address it will not be closed unless requested or if notification of the spouse's death is received.
If you choose to leave it in place, you should redirect mail sent to that address to have it forwarded to your own email account. See Your ASU E-mail Address for information.
Automatic closure of email accounts
Most email accounts will stay open so long as they are active unless someone notifies the company that the account should be closed or that the holder is deceased.
The account will be automatically closed or suspended when it meets the company’s policy regarding inactivity.
You can check the expiration policy for any email provider by searching on something like “when does my xxx account expire”, where xxx is the name of your email carrier, such as Google.
To begin, obtain at least 5-10 certified copies of the death certificate, normally through the funeral home. You can also order them from the vital statistics office of the state or county where the death occurred, such as the Arizona Department of Health Services or Maricopa County Vital Records. Each certificate will cost from $20-40.
Government agencies
Report the death to the Social Security Administration at 1-800-772-1213. If you are a surviving spouse, ask about eligibility for increased personal benefits. If payments do not stop right away, you will have to deal with complicated repayment.
Report the death to the IRS. Send the IRS a copy of the death certificate. Mail it to the campus where the deceased would have normally filed his or her taxes. Once the document is received, officials at the IRS office will flag the account that the person is deceased.
If your spouse was a veteran, contact the Veterans Administration at 1-800-827-1000. Veterans' pension and disability payments cease at death; amounts received after death must be returned to the VA. However, as surviving spouse you may be eligible to receive a portion of those benefits.
Financial institutions
Report the death to the deceased's retirement plan(s), and/or to your own plan if the deceased was a beneficiary on your retirement plan.
- In the latter case, if your pension is through the Arizona State Retirement System, you may choose to rescind the Joint and Survivor option or name another beneficiary. No retroactive increases to your monthly pension benefits can be made to you if you delay this process,
- If payments do not stop right away, you will have to deal with complicated repayment.
- You will need the name and, if applicable, the number of the retirement plan, and probably your spouse's social security number when you make this contact. Ask about the death benefit.
Notify life insurance companies. If your spouse had life insurance, appropriate claim forms will need to be filed. You will need to provide the policy numbers and a death certificate. If the deceased was listed as a beneficiary on a policy, arrange to have the name removed.
Notify credit reporting agencies. To minimize the chance of identity theft, notify the three major firms — Equifax, Experian and TransUnion — as soon as possible so the account is flagged. Contact one of the agencies by phone. They'll make a note on the account and give you specific instructions about how to go about filing a written notice. The company you contact will notify the other two.
Financial accounts
Close credit card accounts, if they are not joint. Call the customer service phone number on the credit card, monthly statement or issuer's website.
Close bank accounts, if they are not joint (the executor should do this). Call the customer service number on the credit card, or on the website for the bank.
Stop or modify health insurance.
- If your spouse received Medicare, Social Security will inform the program of the death.
- If the deceased had been enrolled in a program for Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage (Part D), a Medicare Advantage plan, a Medigap policy, or a supplement or had insurance that was not Medicare, notify the plan using the number provided on each plan membership card.
- If you do not have your own individual coverage, you will need to discuss options with the health insurance carrier.
- If your spouse was an ASRS retiree, you may elect to enroll in the ASRS medical and/or dental insurance plans if you are the dependent beneficiary of your spouse's pension benefit.
If your spouse has a cell phone, close or modify the account.
Check your utility and other bills to be sure all of them are in both of your names. Most companies require your name to be on the account before you are able to act as administrator of the service. Be aware that companies often have to shut the service down and then restart it in order to change the name on the account.
Cancel driver's license. Clearing the driver's license record will remove the deceased's name from the records of the department of motor vehicles and help prevent identity theft. Contact the state department of motor vehicles for exact instructions. You may have to visit a customer-service center or mail documentation. Either way, you'll need a copy of the death certificate.
Cancel passport, if you wish. You may also keep it as a memento. See the U.S. Passport Service guide for information on options and how to cancel.
Social media
If your spouse has a Facebook account, you can memorialize their account. This will let current friends continue to post and share memories but will keep anyone from logging into it in the future. You may also choose to close social media accounts, such as Twitter and Pinterest.
Probate attorney
- The executor should choose a probate attorney.
- Getting recommendations from family or friends might be the best approach, but an online search can also be an efficient way to find an attorney.
- If there is a will, the executor named in it and the attorney will have the document admitted into probate court.
- If there isn't a will, the probate court judge will name an administrator in place of an executor.
- The probate process starts with an inventory of all assets (personal property, bank accounts, house, car, brokerage account, personal property, furniture, jewelry, etc.), which will need to be filed in the probate court.
Financial advisors, stockbrokers, etc.
Determine the beneficiary listed on accounts and how the beneficiary may get access.
Estate plan, taxes
Update your estate plan and legal documents that named your spouse, such as wills and powers of attorney. You may not need to modify deeds, titles, etc. that indicated ownership as joint.
Arrange to file taxes appropriately for your spouse.