Event report
Holiday Potluck and Craft Sale
On December 16, 2010, about 50 ASURA members and guests attended the annual Christmas Potluck Lunch. As always, the food was varied and delicious! The company was most convivial. It is always a treat to get together in this informal social setting. The ambiance was enhanced by music played by Barbara Bradford Eschbach, who also chaired the committee that organized the event.
This year we had a new feature -- an Arts and Crafts Sale, featuring arts and crafts made by members and guests. Our luncheon committee creatively displayed the items on the walls and tables, adding greatly to the festive atmosphere. You will be able to see some of the work in the photos below, particularly the beautiful quilts made by Sarah Lesperance and the stuffed "Joy" hangings made by Linda Van Scoy. Paintings by Joy Shearman were admired by all, as was the work by Carolyn Lanners and Sylvia Snell. Start now on arts and crafts that you would like to display and/or sell next year! This year's sale netted over $80 for ASURA, which took 20% of sales as a donation by the artists and crafters.