ASU remembers
Harry B. Wiggins
College of Business

March 9, 2015
Harry B. Wiggins, 87, passed away on March 9, 2015. Harry received Bachelor degrees from the United States Merchant Marine Academy and the University of Vermont and earned an MBA from Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration. He spent 30 years in executive management positions in the manufacturing industry ending his career on the faculty of the College of Business at ASU. He is survived by his wife, Beverly, a daughter and four grandchildren. Harry was predeceased by a son. Services will be held at 10 a.m., Friday, March 27, at St. Patrick's Catholic Community followed by a luncheon reception at Westminster Village at noon. Those wishing to honor Harry's memory may contribute to the Westminster Village Foundation, 12000 N. 90th Street, Scottsdale, AZ, 85260.
(Source: Arizona Republic)