ASURA Volunteer


Hal White

Treasurer/Finance 1996-1997

Board member 1996-1999, 2013-2016

Vice-president 1997-1998

President 1998-1999

Legislative liaison 1998-1999, 2014-2015



Hal White


Harold “Hal” White joined the ASU Department of Management in1966 and retired as Professor Emeritus in 1993 when he was elected to the College Hall of Fame. Throughout his distinguished career, Hal was very committed to university service.  He served on over 100 committees across the college and university. He was also a faculty advisor and was active in college honorary and professional organizations, and he was founding co-chair of the Staff/Faculty ASU/Arizona Legislative Committee. Upon retirement, he became active in the ASU Retirees Association, serving as treasurer, Vice President, and, in 1998-99, as President. During his tenure as President, he asked Dean Smith if he would lead an effort to document ASURA’s first ten years, an effort which resulted in the creation of A Decade of Success An Illustrated History of the Arizona State University Retirees Association. In addition, the scholarship endowment was increased by $5,000 during his tenure.

Subsequently, he has served on the ASURA Scholarship and Oral History committees. More recently, he has served on the 2013 Retirees Day Committee, and has assisted the History Committee.

Hal was interviewed by ASURA's Video History project team on March 3, 2016. Both the full interview and a short clip from the interview are available for on-line viewing.