View ADOA - retirees and LTD (Long Term Disability)
This is the central location for all of the benefits you have through the Arizona Department of Administration - ADOA.
To find what you're looking for, browse the links on the right (on a desktop) or below (on mobile).
View Arizona State Legislature
The Arizona State Legislature is a bicameral body with 30 members in the Senate and 60 members in the House of Representatives. Each district is served by one Senator and two House members.
View Arizona Board of Regents
The Arizona Board of Regents is committed to ensuring access for qualified residents of Arizona to undergraduate and graduate institutions; promoting the discovery, application, and dissemination of new knowledge; extending the benefits of university activities to Arizona’s citizens outside the university; and maximizing the benefits derived from the state’s investment in education.
View ASRS - retirement central
The Arizona State Retirement System knows retirement is a big step. Retirement Central puts a variety of resources at your fingertips. Be sure to check out each category to get an overall picture of retirement. There are videos and eLearning to view, benefit estimators, information on health insurance and important information if you plan to work after retirement.
View Find my legislator
This page is part of the Arizona State Legislature website and enables you to find your legislator by name or district. If you don't know either of these, the site directs you to another site where you can find your district based on your address.
View Medicare
Medicare is a national health insurance program in the United States, begun in 1965 under the Social Security Administration and now administered by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
View Social Security
The United States Social Security Administration is an independent agency of the U.S. federal government that administers Social Security, a social insurance program consisting of retirement, disability, and survivor benefit.