ASURA Volunteer


Gale Richards

Secretary 1991-1992

Education chair 1992-1993

Legislative liaison 1992-1993

AZ Council Retired University Employees 1992-1993

Retirement systems liaison 1995-2003

Legislative liaison 1998-2004



Gale Richards


Summer 2007

Gale Lee Richards, 88, of Tempe passed away June 28,2007. He was Secretary of ASURA's founding Board in 1991, and was very instrumental in the development of our By-Laws. And, for many years he represented us both at the Arizona State Retirement System and as a member of the Legislative Liaison Council. Past-ASURA President Quentin Bogart's reminiscing: "Gale was a memorable person... a great professor and his contributions to our "young University" were important and many. He and I represented ASURA at Legislative meetings. Gale was always alert to what was going on and he didn't shy away from asking key questions and making helpful suggestions. He invariably had something of interest to say." Past-ASU President Hal White said, "After he retired from ASU, Gale wanted his expertise to be of value. He was certainly the most professional of professionals who served the Retirees Association. I have known no one who was as aware of, and interested in, colleagues and students who have passed his way - from where they came and where they were headed." The large attendance at his memorial service by family, friends, colleagues and former students was a tribute to his life - well lived.

Gale was born in Long Run, West Virginia and raised in Akron, Ohio. He was active in speech, theatre and debate during high school and at the University of Akron, where he taught after graduating with a BA. Completion of an M.A. and Ph.D. from University of Iowa were delayed by a WWII tour as an officer in the Navy. After teaching at the University of Washington and University of Southern California, he joined ASU in 1965 as professor and chairman of the Speech and Drama Department. He chaired the department until 1973 and retired in 1987. For many years Gale was Parliamentarian for the Faculty Senate. He is survived by his wife of 65 years Barbara Lee (Neely) and their three children Robin Lee, Wendell Scott, and Jeffrey Marshall.

Gale was interviewed by ASURA's Video History Project team on January 16, 2007. Both the full interview and a short clip from the interview are available for on-line viewing.