Event report
February 2022 - An Event that Changed my Family's History
"An Event that Changed my Family's History" seminar was an interactive workshop lead by Duane Roen, a professor of English and coordinator of the Project for Writing and Recording Family History in the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts. Duane asked a series of questions (see the workshop handout link) to get the participants thinking about their family stories, and then invited everyone to share these stories. After the sharing, the participants were asked to spend some time writing more on their stories which were then shared with the rest of the group.
Duane encouraged us all to journal and write down the events in our lives as these become our family history that can be shared for future generations. One participant shared that he had received a one year subscription "Story Worth" from his kids for Christmas that allows them to send him questions on a weekly basis that he responds to; one way to capture your history. Duane also suggested that we look at "Story Corps", a site that collects people's stories.
All in all, many interesting stories were shared and many were inspired to start writing their own history!