Event report
February 2016 - ASU Day at the Capitol
The following article was supplied by the Sun Devil Advocates.
It was a great day for Arizona State University at the State Capitol on Tuesday, Feb. 16. The university was well represented at the 30th annual ASU Day at the Capitol, which showcased initiatives, programs and use-inspired research that is benefitting the Valley of the Sun and the state as a whole.
More than 85 ASU faculty and staff assisted at 40 exhibits and tables, serving the 213 Legislative staff members, 14 Senators and 38 House of Representatives who attended the event. ASURA sent three members Jeri Meeks, Larry Carlson, and Hal White.
This year, attendees could get their blood pressure taken, learn about (and handle!) non-venomous snakes native to Arizona, observe the operation of a robotic jet-pack designed to help American soldiers run faster, and learn about a wide variety of other ASU initiatives. As always, there was a strong focus on demonstrating projects that have a deep, wide and lasting impact on the community in which ASU is embedded – from the local to global level.
Many thanks to those who attended the event and lent their support to ASU.
As we progress through the legislative calendar, we keep you informed about legislation important to the future of ASU and higher education in Arizona, and ask you to take action. You can learn more about ASU’s goals for this session and discover new ways to advocate for ASU at our website.