Event report
February 2012 - ASU Day at the Capitol
ASURA participated in this year’s ASU Day at the Capitol. Sheila Stokes organized the association’s participation. We had a table which proudly displayed a new ASURA table drape. The event was held February 09 from 11:00 to 1:00 in the Wesley Bolin Plaza. Joining Sheila were Wilma Mathews, Rose Minetti, Barry McNeill, and Elmer Gooding (shared with the Emeritus College). Our table had copies of the latest Prime Time, a page on the organization and its various activities, and a write-up of the Video History Project. We had a laptop which ran a DVD of short portions of several of the video history interviews but the sun was very bright and it was hard to see the screen.
ASU Day at the Capitol is an opportunity to show the various state representatives, senators, and their staff what ASU is all about. By the end of day the event had hosted (i.e., given them a free lunch) 47 Arizona House of Representatives, 21 Arizona Senators, 200+ legislative staff members, and 100+ community leaders and ASU advocates. They all had to walk by our table to get to the food. At our table we probably talked to twenty-five or so folks, some elected officials, about our organization; many were interested in the Video History Project.