ASU remembers
Ellen Mary Kennedy Johnson
Professor, Women's Studies

June 29, 2021
Ellen Mary Kennedy Johnson, 63, passed away on June 29, 2021. She graduated from St. Joseph's College in 1979. She received an M.A. in American Literature and her Ph.D. in British Literature and dedicated her life to teaching students from many countries the essence of those fields and also, most importantly to her, Women's Studies. Ellen was a tenured professor at ASU.
She was predeceased by her parents, and a sister. She is survived by her husband, Bill, a son, two grandchildren, a sister, nieces, nephews, great-nieces and nephews. After a private family ceremony on July 3rd, 2021, Ellen was cremated per her wishes. Sometime in the near future, Ellen's surviving family will visit her hometown of Chicago to celebrate her life. (Source: Arizona Republic)