E-News issue

E-News for September 10, 2020


In this issue

The Board Meeting
The ASURA office
Fall meet & greet
Life Long Learning
COVID-19 saliva testing


Sixteen or so Board Members, Committee Charis and Liaisons gathered around their computers and ASURA held its September Board Meeting. Business was conducted and Carl Cross “gaveled” it closed about 11:30 am. This issue has material on:

  • The Board Meeting
  • The ASURA Office
  • The Fall Meet & Greet Pizza Party
  • Life Long Learning
  • COVID-19 Saliva Testing

ASURA Board Meeting

  • Jeri Meeks, Government Liaison Council, reported she will continue attending the Governor’s Council on Aging meetings. Jeri’s report on August’s meeting on developing guidelines for long-term care home visitors is available on the ASURA Website.
  • Membership status was discussed. The good news is that membership is up four members despite the virus. It was agreed to send paper reminders to those who were paying members last year but have not renewed. It was mentioned that a few Board Members and committee chairs will be getting one of these letters
  • Bev Buddee, seminar chair, reported the first announcement for the Medicare, 2021 ADOA/ASRS Open Enrollment seminar had gone out. She reminded the meeting that this will be a virtual seminar using Zoom. Barry McNeill reported that 70 had already registered and this could turn out to be ASURA’s most attended seminar.

ASURA Office is Open

After a long break the ASURA Office is again open Tuesday thru Thursday. If you plan to visit you should plan on masking up.

Fall Meet and Greet Pizza Party

No pizza, No party, No meet BUT there is GREET! First up in the program is Carl Cross, ASURA President.

Welcome to our non-event! It has certainly been an interesting spring and summer for everyone, but ASURA has continued to provide useful information and learning opportunities through it all. We had originally hoped to have our fall kick-off and the postponed annual meeting this month, but the situation is still that it would not be a safe nor healthy activity. We will continue to offer our seminars on Zoom and send out E-news as information becomes available. Hopefully we can get back together in the spring if people continue to practice safe and healthy daily living.

Next up is Barry McNeill, ASURA Oompa Loompa

Thank you Carl. I know everyone is anxious to get back together. I would like to especially welcome all our new Introductory Members. I don’t have enough space or time to tell you about the various ASURA committees and what they do. But please take half an hour and look at the ASURA website for information about all the committees and projects. Then if you see something of interest drop the chair a note and I am sure they will be glad to have another member on the committee. Again don’t forget to sign up for the Open Enrollment Seminar and hopefully we can all gather early next year and celebrate the end of the pandemic. 

Life Long Learning

It is not too late to take advantage of a smoking deal from New Frontier for Life Long Learning. For a modest fee you can have access to a number of courses offered by Mesa Community College. See the link in the Calendar of Upcoming Events at the end for more details.

AZDHS – ASU COVID-19 Saliva Testing

This item appeared in the August E-news but I thought it was worth repeating. COVID-19 saliva tests are available to anyone by appointment only. I have not taken the test but my son-in-law has and he reports it is very efficient and quick.

To schedule a test click on the link above which sends you to an Arizona Department of Health Services (AZDHS) webpage that discusses the ASU saliva test. The page contains much information and you should review it all, especially the schedule of “Upcoming Events” which contains the Agency Code you will need to create your account.