E-News issue

E-News for October 9, 2019


In this issue

The October ASURA Board meeting
New Board Member Nominating Committee


Open enrollment for 2020 health insurance begins in October (ADOA) / November (ASRS) and it is not too late to attend the ASURA Open Enrollment Seminar, tomorrow, October 10 - just show up, no registration required..

October ASURA Board Meeting

A number of items were presented and discussed. Among the more interesting ones are the following.

  • Government Liaison Committee – Jeri Meeks

    Jeri reported on attending the September meeting of the Governor’s Council on Ageing. The meeting topic was Transportation for Aging Arizonans:  The Current Challenges and Rising Opportunities. There were six panelists and Jeri thought the discussion was great and wondered how many ASURA members were aware of these transportation options. You can read about the options in the meeting report which Jeri prepared,
  • 2020 AROHE National Conference – Jan Thompson & Carl Cross

    The Board approved joining AROHE (Association of Retirees Organizations in Higher Education) and helping the Emeritus College in planning and presenting the 2020 National AROHE Conference which will be held in Phoenix next fall. AROHE is the premier organization for retirees in higher education, with a mission to secure benefits that build value for your retirement organization. See the article in the latest Prime Times for a bit more detail.

HELP WANTED - ASURA is looking for volunteers to help with the planning and presentation of this conference. If you are interested please contact Joe Carter, Dean of the Emeritus College at joseph.carter@asu.edu with a CC to Jan Thompson, President of ASURA at jmt6000@gmail.com.

  • Prime Times – Jeannette Robson

    Jeannette reported that the Fall edition of Prime Times has been mailed and that the color version is now available on the ASURA website.

New Board Member Nomination Committee

Tara Roesler is soliciting members for the ASURA New Board Member Nominating Committee. If you would like to help Tara please contact her at troes7718@msn.com. If you have ideas for new Board Members see the article in the current Prime Times for details.