E-News issue

E-News for November 13, 2019


In this issue

The November ASURA Board meeting
Campaign ASU 2020


Today – Chicago 21 F and snow, Phoenix 71 F and blue skies – so which place makes the most sense? This E-news addresses the following two topics.

  1. The November ASURA Board Meeting
  2. Campaign ASU 2020

Note:  There will be no Board Meeting in December so this will likely be the last E-news until next January.

November ASURA Board Meeting

A number of items were presented and discussed. Among the more interesting ones are:

  • The Finance Committee - Barry Bruns

    Barry reported on the annual review of ASURA’s expenditures as required by the Bylaws. Barry reported that the revenues and expenditures of the Association in 2018/2019 were reasonable and consistent with the budget and in agreement with the applicable ASU Foundation records. Barry also reported that the required Cash Reserve Analysis showed the Association was financially healthy.
  • Government Liaison Committee – Jeri Meeks

    Jeri reported on the annual Tri-University meeting. Each of the state’s universities gave presentations. There were also presentations by ADOA, ASRS, and TIAA. The University of Arizona’s presentation addressed this year’s budget request by the Regents. Instead of asking for the state to support 50% of the cost of an undergraduate degree which has been a non-starter the past couple of years, this year the Regents will ask for funding for “Workforce Development with each university focusing on a college /initiative. U of A will focus on healthcare and space defense; ASU will focus on Engineering Work Force; and NAU will focus on Allied Health / Health Services. The Regents are asking for $165M for these three initiatives.
  • New Board Member Nominating Committee – Tara Roesler

    Tara is still looking for members who would be interested in serving on the New Board Member Nominating Committee. If you would like to help Tara please contact her at troes7718@msn.com. If you have ideas for new Board Members see the article in the current Prime Times for details.

Campaign ASU 2020

Campaign ASU 2020 continues. As the end of the year approaches perhaps you feel an itch to donate to the campaign or more specifically to the ASURA scholarship endowment which is currently at around $70,000. The larger the endowment the less has to come from operations to fund the $10,000 scholarship. Following are two links you can use to donate: