E-News issue

E-News for March 30, 2024


In this issue

Changes in @asu.edu email handling


Changes in @asu.edu email handling

If you are using ASU Outlook or ASU Gmail as your primary email service, you are not affected by changes listed below and can ignore this.

If you are using your ASU email address (you@asu.edu) and are not using ASU Outlook or ASU Gmail you will need to make some changes in order to assure that email gets to you in a timely and reliable manner.

The changes needed and the reason for them are described in a recent ASU news article titled “Changes to how email is delivered at ASU” and subtitled “Changes beginning April 1, 2024, to external email forwarding.”  

The short version is:

  • Major email services such as Gmail, Yahoo and Apple are increasing anti-spam efforts and overall email security with new requirements.
  • This means that mail forwarded from the ASU Electronic Post Office to an outside (i.e., non-ASU) email service may be delayed or even not delivered.
  • Therefore, if you are using your you@asu.edu address and forwarding to a non-ASU service such as a personal Gmail (you@gmail.com) or a Yahoo (you@Yahoo.com) account, you will need to make a simple change via the “Manage your ASU email address” interface on my.asu.edu. You must now forward to one of the two ASU email services – which for most people would be your ASU Gmail account. Everyone should still have an ASU Gmail account, whether or not you have ever used it. Then you should set up forwarding in that ASU email service so that you continue to receive at your desired address. Instructions for doing these things are in an ASU Knowledge Base article referenced at the bottom of the news article. Note that you must be logged in to myASU to read that Knowledge Base article.

You might want to consider discontinuing use of your @asu.edu email address just to reduce the chance of problems:

  • Ask your contacts and other correspondents to use your direct email address.
  • Change the email address you have on file with us to be your direct email address.  “Your membership profile” gives instructions. Note that the email address we have on file for you is your ASURA membership account. So next time you log in to register for an event or update your profile, you will need to use that new email address.

This new ASU policy also means that ASURA can no longer use asura@asu.edu. Effective immediately, please use asuretassoc@gmail.com .

If this is causing heartburn, try to think of the benefits of change and why we should embrace it 😉

Connie McNeill

PS: Thanks to Carl Cross for noticing this article and bringing it to our attention!