E-News issue

E-News for January 9, 2019


In this issue

The January Board meeting
Finding your legislative representatives
Research volunteers needed (redux)


Well we’ve had our one week of winter and now it is on to spring! This issue of E-News contains material about:

  • The January Board Meeting
  • Finding Your legislative Representatives
  • Research Volunteers Needed (redux)

January Board Meeting

  • Luncheon and Special Events Committee – Jean Duncan reported on a successful Holliday Potluck and Bake Sale. She again emphasized how well the members on her committee worked. The committee is currently working on a venue for a spring luncheon at a moderate price.
  • The fall Meet and Greet and the Holiday Potluck events have become larger than the rooms in the Community Services Building can safely handle and the Events Committee was asked to check out alternative venues for these two events. One promising location is the Pyle Adult Recreation Center in Tempe located near the Tempe History Museum.
  • The Board discussed at both the November and January meetings the efficacy of adding legislative districts to the ASURA member database. The idea was that if ASURA knew how many members were in a particular legislative district this would enhance the credibility of discussions with legislators from that district. Carl Cross pointed out that an organization he was associated with had collected this information for years but gave it up last year for a couple of reasons – 1) it was never used and 2) maintenance was a continual nuisance. Jeri reported she had never felt the need to have this information. The Board decided to not add this information to the members’ data.
  • Jeri Meeks, ASURA’s Legislative Lobbyist, in her report to the Board mentioned that she reviews the legislative bills closely to see what bills address issues of importance to ASURA members, e.g., changes to the Arizona State Retirement System, changes to health insurance, etc. She asked if the Board had any particular items it wanted her to look for; none were mentioned. However it was suggested that maybe there were ASURA members who might have a topic they would like looked for and so if you have an issue that you would like Jeri to look for in pending legislation please contact her at Jeri.Meeks@asu.edu.
  • Membership – The membership report was again encouraging. The number of “younger” members was up nicely compared to a year ago.

Note: if you would like more detail about Board business you can read the Board Meeting Minutes by visiting the ASURA website, clicking on “About Us” menu item and selecting Board Minutes and the year of interest.

Finding Your Legislative Representatives

The new session of the Arizona Legislature and United States Congress has started. After the last election do you know who your legislative representatives are? Do you want to see what is going on in the Arizona Legislature? The ASURA website can help you locate answers to these questions. One of the website menu items is “Related Organizations”. If you hover over the menu item you will see a number of links including links to the AZ Board of Regents, Arizona State Legislators – How to Contact, Arizona State Legislature, and many other organizations of interest.

Research Volunteers Needed for Max Cycle Testing Study (redux)

Now that the holiday season is behind us you may be ready for a little exercise. Ian Villanueva, a graduate student at ASU, still needs volunteers for his research study. The volunteers are needed for an exercise study looking at measuring maximal cycling ability and maximal oxygen uptake. The volunteers should be:

  • Between 60 and 80 years of age
  • In good physical health
  • Without any restriction to exercise
  • Nonsmokers

Study participation includes two visits to the ASU Downtown Phoenix Campus. Each visit last about ninety minutes and there is a $30 compensation for completing both visits. If you are interested contact Ian at Ian.Villanueva@asu.edu or by phone at
