E-News issue

E-News for January 2, 2017


In this issue

Board nominations


Board Nominations

Next March the ASURA will be holding elections for five members of  the ASURA Board of Directors. The Board manages the affairs of the Association and establishes policies as needed to carry out is mission. Members of the Board are elected for a term of three years; the Board meets monthly during the academic year. You may offer your own name or the name of another current ASURA member as a potential Board member. To be sure that your nominee’s name gets on the ballot, you can submit a petition of nomination bearing the signatures of at least ten current ASURA members. Nominating petitions must be received by January 31, 2017. Send names and/or nominating petitions to: Jim Fordemwalt, Chair, ASURA Board Nominating Committee 2017, P.O. Box 873308, Tempe, AZ 85287-33078, or jfordemwalt@cox.net.