E-News issue

E-news for January 10, 2017


In this issue

ASU e-mail system changes


ASU e-mail system changes

If you are using the same e-mail/calendaring/contacts system as you used when you were employed at ASU, you will most likely be affected by some changes that ASU is making  on January 23 for most faculty retirees and January 25 for most other retirees. Many people who will be affected received an e-mail recently from the Office 365 Migration Project team that outlines the changes and what you will need to do to deal with them. The system in question is the Exchange/Outlook system that has been operated by ASU. No changes are being made to ASU gmail accounts. If you are affected, here is a short summary of what you need to know:Most people will not have to do anything to prepare for the migration. 

1.  Most people will not have to do anything to prepare for the migration. 

2.  Your e-mail address, i.e., you@asu.edu, will not change. Behind-the-scenes changes to your Electronic Post Office entry will be made for you so that your mail goes to the right new place.

3.  You will have to know your ASURITE UserID and password. Most of you do, since you use it now to access your e-mail. If you are not sure, see Your ASURITE User ID for assistance.

4.   Once your account is moved, you will have to make some changes to access it. You will know your account has been moved when you cannot log in the usual way anymore. The changes to make are outlined by device type at an ASU page specific to this issue . Scroll to the bottom of the first page of that article and click on the “Next” button. On the next page, click on the type of device you use to access your e-mail, and again scroll to the bottom and click on the “Next” button. Then follow instructions for that type of device. You can go back and select another device if you are accessing your e-mail from more than one device – select only one type at a time. Note: if you are accessing your mail via a browser such as Chrome, Windows Explorer, or Firefox choose the appropriate “Desktop or Laptop” instructions and scroll to the bottom where instructions beginning “After the migration is complete, web access…” are located. You will want to change any bookmarks in your browser from https://ex2010.asu.edu  to https://outlook.com/asu.edu.

NEED HELP? The e-mail sent to you from ASU’s migration team gives a variety of resources. The Help Center at 844-849-9057 or one of ASU’s campus Tech Studios – locations listed at Tech Hub - are best options. There is no help available at the ASURA office, nor can I provide individual assistance.

Note: There are some people who are not using ASU Exchange/Outlook for their e-mail, calendaring and contacts but still exist in that system and have a mail-redirecting rule set there. Those people will need to log in to the new system at https://outlook.com/asu.edu and set a new redirecting rule. If you don’t know whether this applies to you, you can wait to see if there are people at ASU who are sending you e-mails that you are not receiving. If that happens, you need to set the rule.

Connie McNeill

ASURA volunteer