E-News issue

E-News for February 23, 2024


In this issue

From the Arizona Board of Regents
New Board Member Voting


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From the Arizona Board of Regents

The Arizona Board of Regents and its public universities have launched a bold initiative to build our state’s health care workforce with a new plan: AZ Healthy Tomorrow. This plan will rapidly grow the health care workforce with the creation of two new medical schools and increased medical school graduates. 

New Board Member Voting
The election of new ASURA Board members is winding down but there is still time to vote. At the moment 139 members have voted electronically and there are a handful of mail-in ballots. We should be able to do better than this. Your vote not only shows support for the five volunteers who agreed to be on the Board but more importantly shows support for ASURA and the various programs and activities ASURA sponsors. It only takes a minute or two to vote; so show your support by clicking on VOTE and completing the ballot.

Barry McNeill, editor