E-News issue
E-News for February 21, 2020
In this issue
February supplement
I was in such a hurry to get the E-news out that I forgot to include the following two items.
Color Version of Prime Times
.A color version of the spring 2020 Prime Times is now available on the ASURA website.
Volunteer for AROHE Awards Committee
Planning for AROHE’s 10th Biennial Conference, “Transforming Retirement: A 360° View,” October 18 – 20, 2020, hosted by Arizona State University, is underway. AROHE is the Association of Retirement Organizations in Higher Education and ASURA and the Emeritus College are members..
As part of the conference program nominations are now open for the AROHE HERO (Higher Education Retirement Organization) Awards. These awards are designed to recognize individuals as well as organizations for their outstanding contributions to retiree engagement in higher education.
In addition there are two new award categories to AROHE’s Innovation Award inaugurated in 2018 – the AROHE Distinguished Service Award and the AROHE Distinguished Leadership Award. To view details and/or submit your nominations for any of these three awards, please visit the HERO Awards web page for more information.
The planning committee is seeking volunteers to serve on the HERO Awards Selection Committee; specifically a retired staff member to serve on the HERO Awards Selection Committee. If you would like to volunteer please contact Jan Thompson.
Barry McNeill