New Mexico (Four Corners) and Balloon Festival Trip
Time is running out on the tour of the Four Corners and Albuquerque Balloon Festival; it is short one person of the thirteen needed. If the Travel Committee cannot get that final attendee, the tour will have to be scrubbed. If you can find more information about the tour and better yet can register on the Tour: New Mexico (Four Corners) and ALB Balloon Festival web page.
Response to Reqeust to Help
Earlier this month I sent out a request from a research group in the W. P. Carey School of Business asking if members would be willing to take a short survey. I am happy to report that fourteen of you took the survey and I would like to thank you for taking the time to help with this research.
If any of you would like to complete the survey, see the August 12, 2024 edition of E-News. I am sure the research team would appreciate additional data.
Barry McNeill