E-News issue

E-News for August 15. 2020


In this issue

Free COVID-19 saliva testing
Calendar of upcoming events


Just a short note about free COVID-19 saliva testing for everyone. ASU has partnered with the Arizona Department of Health Services (AZDHS) to provide free drive-thru COVID-19 testing at sites around the Valley and State. The tests are available to anyone by appointment only.

AZDHS – ASU Corvid-19 Saliva Testing

When you click on the link above you are sent to an AZDHS webpage that discusses the ASU saliva test. The page contains much information and you will want to make sure to review it all, especially the schedule of “Upcoming Events”, i.e., upcoming testing, and the FAQs.

Getting Started

In order to pre-register for a test, which is required, you need an account so on your first visit you will need to create your account. This is easy enough to do provided you know an Agency Code. And where might I find such a code you ask? Why in the calendar of upcoming events of course!

If you don’t see “Upcoming Events” scroll down a bit until you do. Each testing date shows:

  • a location,
  • hours of operation, 
  • the Agency Code for that location (write this code down), and 
  • a link to “Pre-register”. 

Click on the “Pre-register” link and then  on the “Sign up for an account” link. A new popup window appears asking for, of all things, an Agency Code. Enter your code and fill out the form to create your account. You are now ready to schedule your test.

A Word of Advice

Much of the information in the FAQ will be included in the email confirming your appointment but a word to the wise from ASURA’s own Larry Carlson – make sure you are hydrated; it is a saliva test after all. But you must do your hydrating more than thirty minutes before the test because “you cannot chew gum, use tobacco products or have anything to eat or drink — even water — for 30 minutes prior to submitting a sample” (see FAQ "How does saliva testing work?").

Happy Testing

Calendar of Upcoming Events

Be sure to check the ASURA website for links to any upcoming events. Also mark your calendars for the open enrollment Zoom seminar in October.

ASU Organized Events

September 08 (Tuesday)

ASURA Zoom Board Meeting

October 8 (Thursday)

2021 Medicare-ADOA-ASRS Open Enrollment (Zoom) Seminar

Registration is open

October 13 (Tuesday)

ASURA Zoom Board Meeting

November 10 (Tuesday)

ASURA Zoom Board Meeting

December 08 (Tuesday)

ASURA Zoom Board Meeting

Barry McNeill, editor