ASURA Volunteer


Doug Johnson

Vice-president 2006-2007

President 2007-2008

Past president 2008-2009

Board member 2006-2009, 2010-2012

Health insurance - ASRS 2007-2008, 2010-2013



Doug Johnson


Douglas A. Johnson, a Professor of Accountancy, joined Arizona State University in 1974. His primary teaching interests were in managerial and cost accounting. He earned his B.B.A. and PhD. degrees from the University of Texas at Austin. His publications have appeared in a wide variety of journals including the "Journal of Accounting Research, Auditing, Journal of Accountancy, and Management Accounting".

He has been active in the development of graduate programs in the W.P. Carey School of Business. He is a past president of the Scottsdale Chapter of the Institute of Management Accountants.

Doug is a Past President of the Academic Senate and Assembly and has worked extensively to improve health insurance and retirement benefits for the university community. Dr. Johnson's wife Peggy is a retired faculty member from Mesa Community College, and they have two daughters. Doug's other activities include golf, bicycling, hiking, and bridge.

Updated May 2006