ASURA Volunteer
Don Doerres
chair Video History Project 2023-2024
submitted December 2023

I began work at ASU in the Mars Spaceflight Research Facility in February of 2014. I then worked in the SpaceWorks Instrument Incubator Program until I retired from ASU in 2019. I fully retired in June of 2021.
Working at ASU was the capstone of my close to 50 year engineering career. In 1962, I firmly made up my young mind to move to and work in Arizona, far away from the cold winters of my native Iowa. I succeeded. I was privileged to work in both commercial ventures and in academia, on projects ranging from communications systems to complex spacecraft. As systems became more complicated, I became interested in computer controlled testing, and my emphasis changed from electronics to software to control electronics. At ASU, I contributed to the development of software to control the OSIRIS-REx Spacecraft as it explored the Asteroid Bennu. Along with our entire crew, I got to see our satellite "take off" from Cape Canaveral. Then I worked with young people in the SpaceWorks Instrument Incubator Program, teaching practical STEM skills to students interested in space careers.
After retiring, I quickly found ASURA and found its many projects interesting. As an avid historian, I'm particularly interested in the work of the Video History Committee, but I'm more than glad to pitch in on other projects.
I am a writer and belong to the Armadillo Writing Group. My first novella is due to published in 2024.I live in Scottsdale and help my wife with her law practice. We are active in our Church, ASU Alumni, and the Girl Scouts.
I enjoy walks and gentle bicycle riding on the many bicycle trails in the beautiful Scottsdale greenbelts