Event report
December 2012 - Holiday Potluck and Bake Sale
The annual Holiday Potluck & Bake Sale was held at the Community Services Building on Thursday, December 13th. This was a colorful af-fair, between the folks who attended and the delicious dishes that every-one brought to share. The new twist to this year's potluck was a Bake Sale to raise funds for ASURA. The table was full of goodies of all sorts: cookies, candies, fudge, peanut brittle, ginger snaps, breads of many sorts, holiday decorations, etc. It was all good/healthy "stuff!" Thanks to contributors and buyers alike, we raised $237 for ASURA! The best part of the event, aside from seeing longtime colleagues and friends, was the musical entertainment provided by Jan Thompson (pianist and professor of music), a recent retiree, and her fantastic violinist from the Phoenix Symphony, Robert Strava.
Barbara Bradford Eschbach