
ASURA is one of a large group of university retiree associations. ASURA works with colleagues at other universities on issues of common interest.

ASURA maintains connections with other retirement organizations to share ideas, information, and programs.

There is an annual meeting of representatives from the ASU, NAU, and UofA retirees associations, held at ASU because of its central location. The primary purpose of the meeting is to assure that there is  consistency in messages from the three organizations to the Arizona State Legislature and to the state retirement agencies and health insurance programs. A representative of the Arizona State Retirement System typically attends this meeting, to share information and to receive feedback from the associations. The meetings usually also offer the opportunity to discuss ideas for keeping the organizations relevant and healthy. 

View Association of Retirement Organizations in Higher Education (AROHE) 

AROHE, founded in 2002, supports all phases of faculty/staff retirement through a dynamic member network that links retired faculty/staff associations, retiree and emeriti centers, and campus offices that engage retirees such as human resources, academic affairs, alumni, and advancement/development. ASURA maintains a membership with AROHE.

View Northern Arizona University Retirees Association 

The NAU Retirees Association has a mission similar to ASURA's. Representatives participate in the annual tri-university meeting of the three Arizona universities' retiree associations.

View New Frontiers for Lifelong Learning

New Frontiers says this about itself: "If you want to advance your learning and pursue new experiences in a fun friendly setting, this is the place! We offer an array of stimulating, whimsical, and educational classes as well as social events and volunteer opportunities."

View University of Arizona Retirees Association 

The UofA Retirees Association was disbanded in 2021. 

New Frontiers