ASU remembers
Carol Jo Poe
President of the ASU Faculty Wives Organization

November 25, 2018
Carol Jo Poe, 81, passed away on November 25, 2018. In 1958 Carol graduated with an economics degree from Washington University in St. Louis where she was a member of Delta Gamma Sorority. Upon graduation she was awarded both Woodrow Wilson and William Fulbright fellowships. She studied as a Fulbright Fellow for a year in England at the University of Reading. In 1959 she married Jerry B. Poe, who she met at Washington University where he was an MBA student. Carol and Jerry moved to Cambridge, Massachusetts where Carol earned the Master of Arts in Teaching degree at Harvard's Radcliffe program, and Jerry was a doctoral student at the Harvard Business School. She then taught in West Newton, Massachusetts until they moved to Springfield, Missouri. There Carol taught social studies at Central High School and served as head of the history department while Jerry was a faculty member at Drury College. She retired from teaching to care for their two daughters. When Jerry accepted a finance faculty position in 1974 at ASU, Carol served as president of the ASU Faculty Wives Organization and was president of the Mesa East Valley Rose Society when the Rose Garden was initiated at Mesa Community College. She served for several years as the volunteer Deadheaders coordinator of the Rose Garden which has grown to over 10,000 rose bushes. She was a Master Gardener in the Maricopa County program. Carol is survived by her husband, Jerry B. Poe, who retired as Professor Emeritus Finance in 2000; two daughters, a sister, nieces and a nephew. Jerry was also a member of the ASURA board from 2001-2004 and served as secretary 2002-2003. Carol donated her body tissue to the Banner Sun Health Research Institute to contribute to the eventual cure of devastating neurological diseases. Memorial contributions may be made to the donor's favorite religious or charitable organization. Carol's memorial service will be held at 10:00 a.m., Saturday, December 29, at Sun Lakes United Methodist Church, 9248 East Riggs Road, Sun Lakes, AZ 85248. (Source: Arizona Republic)