ASURA Volunteer
Carl Cross
President 2020-2021
Vice President 2019-2020, Immediate Past President 2021-2022
Board member 2019-2022 and 2023-2026
Membership Committee chair 2023
University Club liaison 2020-2021

submitted December 2022
Carl J. Cross retired in August 2015 after fifty-one years with ASU Libraries. In 1972, he and others established the University Archives, compiling records covering more than a hundred years, gathering information and artifacts from all over the university into a comprehensive historical archive of ASU.
In 2009, Carl began working with those who were developing what is now known as the ASU Digital Repository. His involvement in this project was made known to the directors of the ASURA Video History Project and Carl began entering the metadata for the histories already mounted on the web and serves as the Chairman of the Data Management Sub-Committee
When Gammage Auditorium opened in 1964. Carl’s freshmen orientation was the first official gathering in the newly built auditorium, even before the inaugural concert. He became a supporter of Gammage, worked in the box office, and was later appointed to the university’s Performing Arts Board. Through the ASU Foundation, he has set up a legacy gift to continue his support for ASU Gammage.
In 2002, he and Judith Smith co-founded the ASU Carillon Society to raise funds to refurbish the instrument which was donated to ASU in 1966 by Associated Students as a memorial to those in the ASU community who gave their lives in service to their country. Each month, Carl goes to the Tempe campus to change the programming for the 5 pm. concerts. The Society sponsors three “sing-along with the carillon” programs each year.
In 2019, Carl was elected to serve on the ASURA board as Vice President, then assuming the presidency in 2020. After the resignation of the President in 2021, he stepped up from Immediate Past President to lead the organization into 2022. Carl is currently serving as the Membership Chairman