If you would you like to help shape the direction of the ASU Retirees Association and enjoy participating monthly (September through May) with colleagues who also have the interests of ASURA membership in mind, they you should consider running for the Board.
There are seldom enough volunteers to fill the annual five vacancies on the Board of Directors. So if you tell us that you'd like to be involved, there's a realistic chance that you'll be asked to be on the ballot.
The ballots are sent out to the membership in February, so the Board Nominating Committee would need to hear of your interest by no later than January 31.
If you think another member of ASURA ought to be considered, you can submit that person's name (after making sure they would be willing, of course!).
If you want to guarantee that your name or the name of your nominee will appear on the ballot, you may do that by submitting a nominating petition signed by at least 10 current members.
Direct your expressions of interest and/or your nominating petitions to the Board Nominating Committee chair, i.e. the Immediate Past President. Send to the ASURA Office:
PO Box 873308
Tempe, AZ 85287-3308
FAX: 480-965-7807
There is no specific format for a nominating petition. You may simply send a letter stating that you are nominating a named member, with the letter signed by 10 current ASURA members. Make sure the member names are printed legibly in addition to providing signatures.