ASURA Volunteer
Barry McNeill
President 2013-2014
Vice President 2012-2013, Immediate Past President 2014-2015, Treasurer 2021-2024
Retirees Day chair 2011-2014
Board member 2012-2015, 2015-2017, 2018-2020, 2021-2024
Events Committee chair 2014-2019
E-News editor 2017-2024
Finance Committee - 2023-2024
Video History chair 2019-2023
Websites Committee co-chair 2022-2024

Updated January 2021
I joined the ASU Mechanical Engineering faculty in August of 1976 and spent thirty years teaching engineering design courses with an emphasis on first year engineering and capstone design. I spent a few years in the Engineering Dean's Office and helped coordinate an accreditation visit. In the 90's I was part of a team of eight that developed and ran a two-day TQM exercise for upper ASU administration.
Soon after retiring I joined ASURA and began my "tour of duty". I agreed to chair the Retirees Day event, an event I had never attended and knew little about. Luckily the committee was full of members who know exactly what had to happen and they helped me learn the ropes. I chaired the committee for three years before moving on to Vice President and then President in 2013. Over the ensuing years I have chaired the Events and Video History Committees, been editor of E-News, and edited over a dozen of the Video History Project interviews. Remembering how lost I felt taking over the Retirees Day Committee, working with the various program chairs and Office staff I have helped develop written material to aid in the operation of the Association.
I like to hike the trails in the Phoenix area, especially those at Spur Cross Ranch, Seven Springs, and the Superstition Wilderness. The spring walks with all the desert flowers are wonderful.