For the first ten years or so of ASURA’s existence, it got support from various administrative entities but there was no formal recognition by the university. This changed in the spring of 2003 when ASURA President Quentin Bogart facilitated the creation of a more formal relationship. Working with President Crow and the Vice President of Public Affairs, Virgil Renzulli, the following points were specifically agreed upon and implemented.
- ASU publicly acknowledges that ASURA is a sponsored entity of the VP for Public Affairs.
- Public Affairs appoints an administrator to serve as a liaison with ASURA.
- ASU provides ASURA with office space, printing, mailing, postage, and other forms of support.
- Public Affairs appoints a staff member to work with ASURA's Business Manager and others when such assistance is required to accomplish routine activities.
- ASU will provide names and home addresses of retirees to ASURA so that we may maintain records and communicate with potential members.
- ASURA is recognized by the Sun Card (Card Services) office so that the Association can help retirees secure a Sun Card, if necessary.
- The University makes ASURA's website accessible via links from the ASU web platform.
In 2015 our sponsor shifted to Human Resources (HR). This change was suggested by Ray Jensen, Associate VP for Integrated Business Relationships, when we consulted with him after a major reorganization dissolved Public Affairs. Ray thought it would be an obvious fit for us to be sponsored by HR. At a meeting with Morgan Olsen, Executive Vice President, Treasurer and Chief Financial Officer, and Kevin Salcido, Vice President for Human Resources it was agreed to make the change and both Olson and Salcido pledged to continue the type and level of support that we had been receiving from Public Affairs.