Event report
April 2019 Annual Meeting
The ASURA Annual Meeting was held at The Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication. President Tara Roesler welcomed everyone in attendance.
After a light lunch, Tara introduced Dean Christopher Callahan, Dean of the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication. Dean Callahan spoke on journalism and how the Cronkite School approaches educating the students enrolled in the program. He also held a Q/A session that brought forth many interesting questions for him to respond to!
Outgoing President Roesler thanked all of the Board members, Committee and subcommittee chairs and the office staff for all their hard work over the past year. She then passed the gavel to incoming President Jan Thompson. Jan introduced the executive Board, Board members, committee and subcommittee chairs for the 2019-2020 term.
Joy Shearman presented a video from our scholarship recipient, Jennifer Pelloni, as Jennifer was unable to attend in person. Dave Scheatzle presented a compilation of some of the interviews captures as part of the video history project.
A tour of Cronkite facilities concluded the day.

Jennifer Pelloni, on screen, is this year's scholarship recipient

Jan Thompson, incoming ASURA President, receives the gavel from Tara Roesler, outgoing ASURA President