Event report
April 2011 Annual Meeting
The 2011 Annual Meeting of the ASU Retirees Association was held on Saturday, April 30, from 1 to 3 p.m. It was attended by about 50 members of our association. As always, the opportunity to get together with friends and colleagues was key to enjoyment -- but the dessert buffet was pretty good too! Copies of the 2010-2011 Annual Report were distributed to those who wanted them.
We were treated to a presentation by the 2010-2011 scholarship winner, Anthony Desimoto, Jr. He is a student in the Intermedia program in the Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts. He got a perfect 4.0 in the Fall semester, and was extremely appreciative of the learning opportunities he's had this past year. Anthony had to stop out of school for a time after high school to help support his family. Receiving our scholarship enabled him to take a heavy course load this past year, because he did not have to work while attending school. We all were happy to commend the Scholarship Committee, chaired by Sue Blumer, for their work in selecting Anthony.
Joan Leard shared information about our Adopt-a-Family Program, which probably doesn't receive enough publicity within our organization. Each year we adopt one family selected by Tempe Social Services and one family that is selected through applications submitted to ASU Financial Aid. The Adopt-a-Family Program provides the families with some needed and/or wished-for items, usually three times per year. Joan displayed a collage of thank-you notes we've received over the years, and also read some of the expressions of appreciation.
Linda Van Scoy and Dave Scheatzle introduced a compilation of some fascinating clips from video interviews that are in our Video History Library. Many were from interviews conducted this past year, including one of Milt Glick. The latter was especially appreciated and poignant -- something of a memorial, in light of his very recent passing. For most, this brought back many memories, and also for most, provided some insight into significant events in the history of ASU. An amazing amount of work by our all-volunteer Video History Committee goes into preserving these invaluable memories and stories.
Those in attendance took time to show their appreciation for the excellent work done this past year by all concerned: officers, Board members, committee chairs and members, and office staff. The meeting drew to a close when Connie McNeill passed the President's gavel to Dave Schwalm, who at that point took office as the 2011-2012 President of the ASURA.
Connie McNeill

Anthony Desimoto Jr, scholarship recipeint

Adopt-a-Family Thank You Letters