Event report
April 2010 - Musical Jam Session
ASURA sponsored a free musical "jam session" for members and their friends and family members and others associated with ASU! The event was held in the beautiful Skirm Auditorium of Friendship Village in Tempe from 2:00pm to 4:00pm on Tuesday, April 13, 2010.
The session opened with the anchor musicians, Sharon Aebi and Robert Coulson of the Aebi-Coulson Duo. Sharon and Rob are jazz musicians who perform at many venues/restaurants in the East Valley. Sharon plays piano and Robert plays string bass.
Gerry Whalin played three numbers on his clarinet with Rob and Sharon. Gerry was great! Also, Barbara Bradford played several jazzy numbers on piano. Attendees included Bob Ellis, Jerry Snyder, Gene Lombardi, Dennis Kigin, Darel Eschbach, Zeke Prust, Becky and Dick Reiss and several other friendly faces. The audience had as much fun as the musicians! And the refreshments went over well, too!
The event was organized and hosted by Barbara Bradford Eschbach, ASU retiree and the President/Owner of Events by Barbara and its subsidiary, Weddings, Wakes or Whatever! Barbara hopes that this Jam Session was a first, and will "set the tone" for future musical events in 2010-2011! There's a ton of talent among the membership of ASURA!

Jerry Whalin