Event report
April 2010 Annual Meeting
The 2010 Annual Meeting of the ASU Retirees Association was held on Saturday, April 17, to celebrate the conclusion of a most successful year. The official record of this year's accomplishment is contained in the ASURA Annual Report for 2009-2010, which was distributed at the meeting. The official record of this meeting is recorded in minutes prepared by secretary Jo Madonna and approved at the May 12 Board meeting.
This year's meeting featured a talk by Lattie Coor, chairman and CEO of the Center for the Future of Arizona. Dr. Coor served as President of ASU from 1990 to 2002. He presented the Center's report, The Arizona We Want. This report is very interesting and important, and Dr. Coor impressed us all with his thoughtful approach to extremely difficult problems, his ability to communicate about complex topics, and his apparent continuing drive and energy.
Another highlight of the meeting was a presentation by Dave Scheatzle of a movie he prepared using video clips from our Living Video History Project. We have almost 50 individual interviews in our office. These are available for checkout or for viewing in the office. The clips that Dave selected highlighted some of the early history of ASU.
Also interesting and rewarding for meeting attendees were the remarks by this year's Scholarship recipient, Elizabeth Clarke. Elizabeth is a student in the Barrett Honors College with a double major in Psychology and Sociology. Before enrolling at ASU, she had a career as a professional ballet dancer that was cut short as a result of injuries. Her honors thesis is focusing on the sexual slavery of children and the organization Street Light. She plans to pursue an MA and Ph.D. in counseling and hopes to focus her work on children who are sexually exploited.
Jay Spradling, Assistant Chief, ASU Police Department, discussed his department's on-going need for volunteers to do a wide variety of tasks.
Mary presented a plaque to Alan Johnson, to express ASURA's appreciation of his many years of services in the very important post of lobbyist and liaison to the Arizona State Retirement System (ASRS). Alan has represented the interests of ASURA retirees very well, and has kept us informed of matters that affect current and future retirees.
At the end of the meeting President Mary Stevens introduced newly elected and appointed Board Members. These are Dick Jacobs, Doug Johnson, Wilma Mathews, Dave Scheatzle, David Schwalm, and Joy Shearman. Mary also introduced the Officers who will lead ASURA in the coming year. These are Connie McNeill - President, David Schwalm - Vice President, Jo Madonna - Secretary, and Joyce Hartman Diaz - Treasurer. Mary will, of course, serve as the Immediate Past President. The meeting concluded with the ceremonial handing over of the gavel to the incoming president.

Lattie Coor, Past ASU President and Chairman and CEO of the Center for the Future of Arizona

2010-2011 Officers Joyce Hartman Diaz, Connie McNeill, Jo Madonna, Dave Schwalm, Marry Stevens