ASURA Volunteer


John Brock

Travel 2015-2024




October 2015

John Brock is a Professor Emeritus from Arizona State University who has 40 years of experience in rangeland brush and weed control.  Brock’s credentials include a BS and MS from Fort Hays State University in 1966 and 68 respectively, and a PhD in Rangeland Science from Texas A&M University in 1978.  From 1968 to 1977 he worked for the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station doing rangeland research on mesquite control and rangeland responses to various control treatments, including revegetation.  From 1977 to 2008 Dr. Brock taught courses and did research at Arizona State University on natural resource management, especially habitat restoration and invasive plant management.  Dr. Brock is a certified herbicide applicator (AZ State Ag Department) and a professional rangeland manager (Society for Range Management). The first year of retirement, Dr. Brock worked part-time at the algae lab at ASU Polytechnic. Dr. Brock also does technical consulting to the Dine College in Tsaile, AZ. Dr. Brock remains professionally active making research based presentations at regional, national and international meetings.
